Wednesday, 29 April 2015

see what happens when you drink water on an empty stomach

Japanese water therapy is well established in the Land 

of the Rising Sun. Japanese people have known this 

simple practice for a long time and have used it to cure 

different conditions, ranging from headache to cancer

According to Japanese tradition, water therapy can be 
used as a natural treatment for diabetes, gastritis, 
headache, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, epilepsy, heart 
problems, tuberculosis, kidney and urine diseases, 
diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, hemorrhoids, eye 
diseases, ear nose and throat diseases, problems with 
the uterus, cancer and menstrual disorders.
The practice should be performed first thing in the 
  1. Before brushing your teeth, drink 640 ml (4 glasses 

  2. of 160 ml) of water. Ideally, the water shouldn’t 

  3. contain fluoride.

  4. Brush and clean your mouth, but don’t eat or drink 

  5. anything for another 45 minutes.

  6. Have your breakfast as normal – I have plenty 

  7. of healthy breakfast.

  8. After breakfast, don’t eat anything for 2 hours.
According to the original Japanese tradition, the water 
should be slightly warm, and not cold or room 
temperature. In the Far East, people usually don’t drink 
cold water with their meals. Instead, warm tea is offered
.According to the Japanese tradition, the practice of 
drinking water on an empty stomach should be done 
regularly and different time frames are predicted to treat, 
improve or control different conditions:
  1. High blood pressure – 30 days
  2. Diabetes – 30 days
  3. Gastritis – 10 days
  4. Constipation – 10 days
  5. Tuberculosis – 90 days
  6. Cancer – 180 days
  7. People who suffer from arthritis should do the therapy for only three days in their first week, and then progress to a daily treatment.
It is suggested that if you initially struggle to drink such 
a large amount of fluids first thing in the morning, start 
with a smaller amount and then gradually increase to 4 glasses.

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